
April 20, 2023 (1y ago)

Shopee is a Full Stack E-commerce React Native Application with Redux Toolkit designed for users to buy and sell products. Backend in NodeJS, ExpressJS, Prisma ORM. It allows users to easily browse products, add them to their cart, and make purchases. The application provides a user-friendly interface for both buyers and sellers.



  • User Authentication: Users can create accounts and log in to access the application.
  • Browse Products: Users can view a list of products available for sale.
  • Product Details: Users can view detailed information about a product, including images, price, and description.
  • Add to Cart: Users can add products to their cart for purchase.
  • Checkout: Users can review the items in their cart and proceed to checkout to make a purchase.
  • Order History and Tracking: Users can view their order history and track the status of their orders.
  • Add To Favorites: Users can add products to their favorites list for easy access.


Shopee is a robust and user-friendly e-commerce application that provides a seamless shopping experience for both buyers and sellers. With its intuitive design and comprehensive features, it's an excellent tool for anyone looking to buy or sell products online.